Total plate count: ≤ 1,000 CFU/g. Yeasts and moulds: ≤ 100 CFU/g. E.Coli: Negative. Salmonella: Negative.
Regulatorische Daten
Not a hazardous substance acc. To EC reg.1272/2008 and 1907/2006,Product has not been subjected to irridation,Free of BSE,TSE, No obligation of GMO labeling as defined in EC reg.1829/2003, 1830/2003,Conform to pesticides reg.(EC) 396/2005 and amendments (with Ethylene oxide),No allergens subjected to labelling acc. to EU reg.1169/2011 contained,Conforms EC reg.178/2002 for food raw materials conc. food safety,traceability,hygiene management,Suitable for vegetarian and vegan food.Produced without the use of products of animal origin,No obligation of nano material labelling as defined in EU reg.1169/2011 and amendments, Without use of palm oil and palm oil derivatives.No pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) and pyrrolizidine alkaloids (TA) according to EC reg. 1881/2006, contains no not allowed ingedients according to Novel Food Regulation (EU) 2015/2283.For products from animal source or Proteins,Amino acids,Enzymes and other products not from animal source no 3-Mono-Chlorpropane -1,2-diol (3-MCPD) Glycidyl-Ester are present according to EC reg. 1881/2006, (EU) 2018/290, EFSA Journal 2018/16(1).For Fish and Krill oil products no Dioxins,Furans,PCB's are present according to EC reg. 1881/2006.
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