Total plate count: ≤ 1,000 CFU/g. Yeasts and moulds: ≤ 100 CFU/g. E.Coli: Negative. Salmonella: Negative.
Regulatorische Daten
BHA, BHT, Related compounds,Bovine products or by-products, Celery or products thereof, Cereals containing Gluten (Wheat, rey, barley, oats,spelt,kamut or their hydrolysed strains) or products thereof, Crustaceans,Shellfish or products thereof, Eggs or products thereof, Fish or products thereof, Milk or Milk products (including lactose), Mustard seed or products thereof,Nuts or products thereof, Peanuts or products thereof, Sesame seeds or products thereof, SO2 or Sulphites at concentration over, Soya beans or products thereof, Molluscs or products thereof
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